GrandBackupMainForm.TipsXButton.Hint=Toogle the display of the program tips
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsDidYouLabel.Caption=Did you know...
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsLabelNext.Caption=Next Tip
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsLabelPrev.Caption=Prev Tip
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[0]=/files/contents.html GrandBackup keeps information about "what, where and when to copy", as well as other settings in a Task.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[1]=GrandBackup compares files in the source and destination folders and compares their timestamps to see which files have changed. Then it copies only the new or changed files.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[2]=You can configure a Task in such a way that it will start automatically every time a particular storage device is detected, e.g. a USB Flash or a DVD-RW disk. Look for this feature in ôTask Properties -> Media SmartDetectö.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[3]=To compress your backup files, you can use any external archiver: PKZIP, RAR, CAB and the like. Look for this feature in ½Task Properties -> Compression╗.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[4]=With ½Task Properties -> Encryption╗ you can make use of very strong encryption to securely protect your sensitive information.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[5]=You can compress all your files into one big archive, or you can archive each file separately in order to facilitate future access or alleviate possible problems with your backup media integrity/connectivity.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[6]=/files/foldervariables.html You can distinguish your backup by its day, week, etc. by using the Variable-Naming feature of GrandBackup.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[7]=You can choose what to do with files deleted from the Source but existing in the Destination. Go to "Task Properties -> Obsolete Files" to see the available options.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[8]=/files/logdisplay.html Check "View -> Log" to see the GrandBackup log.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[9]=Right-click on a Task to see the available options in a context menu.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[10]=To exit GrandBackup, right-click on the icon in the system tray and select Exit.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[11]=/files/preferences.language.html Choose ôOptions -> Interface Languageö to display the language selection dialog. In this dialog all installed interface languages are listed. Using the drop-down box, select the language file to be used and press OK. If your language is not listed here, you can create the required file yourself.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[12]=/files/taskgroups.html You can organize tasks by category in task groups.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[13]=/files/taskgroups.html To create a new task group, right-click on "All tasks" (in "Task Groups List") and select "New...".
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[14]=/files/taskgroups.html You can set the order of task groups by right-clicking in the task group panel and selecting "Reorder...".
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[15]=/files/taskgroups.html To add a new task to a particular group, select the desired group first and then select "Task -> New...".
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[16]=/files/preferences.logging.html To set the font and color of the log text, select "Options ->
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[18]=Hold the mouse pointer over the tool bar buttons to display their descriptions.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[19]=/files/statusbar.html The Status Bar provides additional information while using GrandBackup. This information includes the total number of Tasks, the currently running number of Tasks, and the Task progress indicator.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[20]=Before clearing the log, you can save it to a separate file for future reference by selecting "Save As" in the Log popup menu.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[21]=/files/support.html To see the latest GrandBackup Tips and Tricks and other relevant information, select "Help -> GrandBackup Homepage".
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[22]=/files/foldervariables.html You can use the Variable-Naming feature to create separate folders for your backups based on the current date and time.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[23]=/files/task.backuptype.html#exactcopy To delete obsolete files from the Destination (those that no longer exist in the Source, select the appropriate option in "Task Properties -> Obsolete Files".
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[24]=/files/foldervariables.html You can use the Variable-Naming feature to compress files into zip archives whose name is based on the date and time or other attributes.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[25]=GrandBackup only copies new and changed files based on the date and time stamp.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[26]=You can use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path names to define folders, or use a drive letter mapped to a network share.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[27]=/files/task.backuptype.html#synchronize GrandBackup can perform two-way synchronization. You can copy files between your desktop computer and your laptop to keep them synchronized.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[28]=/files/task.additionaloptions.html#deletedarchive You can keep any number of old versions of your data files using the "Task Properties -> Old Versions" feature.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[29]=/files/task.backuptype.html You can password-protect your zipped files.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[30]=You can check for product updates by clicking "Help -> GrandBackup Homepage" in the menu.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[31]=/files/ You can protect your Task settings with a password so that other users will not be able to change them.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[32]=/files/task.additionaloptions.html You can set an option in the "Task Properties -> Options" dialog to verify the files after copying.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[33]=/files/task.filefilter.html You can skip copying files that are older than a specific date or a specific number of days using the "Task Properties -> File Filters" feature.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[34]=/files/task.additionaloptions.html#runprograms You can run external programs before and/or after running a task.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[35]=/files/task.additionaloptions.html#hardwareprofile You can set a task not to run when a specific Hardware Profile is selected. This feature can be useful if you are using a laptop computer and do not wish to run a Task when disconnected from the network.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[36]=/files/task.additionaloptions.html#zip You can set a compression ratio when using the "Compress" feature.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[37]=/files/menus.html#view Use the View menu to view Source, Destination and other folders from the main GrandBackup window.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[38]=/files/commandlineoptions.html GrandBackup offers command line options used in batch files or elsewhere.
GrandBackupMainForm.TipsMemo.Lines[39]=Last Tip: You have seen all the tips. You can now read them again from the beginning.
GrandBackupMainForm.actTaskNew.Hint=Add a new backup task
GrandBackupMainForm.actViewMenuBar.Caption=&Menu Bar
GrandBackupMainForm.actViewMenuBar.Hint=Toggle the display of the menu bar
GrandBackupMainForm.actViewToolBar.Caption=&Tool Bar
GrandBackupMainForm.actViewToolBar.Hint=Toggle the display of the tool bar
GrandBackupMainForm.actViewTaskGroups.Caption=Task Groups
GrandBackupMainForm.actViewTaskGroups.Hint=Toggle the display of the Task Groups panel
GrandBackupMainForm.actViewLog.Hint=Toggle the display of the log panel
TaskPropertiesForm.GeneralAuthNoteLabel.Caption=* Perform the Task using access permissions that's different from the defaults, e.g. for a more powerful user with access to restricted network storage, etc.
TaskPropertiesForm.GeneralTopLabel.Caption=General Task settings: Name and primary Action.
TaskPropertiesForm.DestEmailPanel.Caption=Back up and Email
TaskPropertiesForm.DestEmailNoteLabel.Caption=You can send your backup to any email address at any schedule, just keep in mind the limitations of your mailbox. It is not recommended to send large files, for instance. Normally you should not send files larger than 5 megabytes by email.
TaskPropertiesForm.FilesFilterUpperLabel.Caption=Back up the files matching these criteria:
TaskPropertiesForm.FilesFilterBottomLabel.Caption=Use the red arrows to the right of the list to change a filter's priority. Higher-placed filters have more priority. Press F1 for more information.
TaskPropertiesForm.VersionsTitleLabel.Caption=What to do with older file versions (the file exists in the destination and the new version will overwrite it)?
TaskPropertiesForm.OptionsDontSkipIfDateEqButSrcBiggerDstCheckBox.Caption=Overwrite if the modification dates are equal but the source file is bigger than in Destination
TaskPropertiesForm.OptionsDisableIndexFilesCheckBox.Caption=Disable index files "task_id.idx" (not recommended)
TaskPropertiesForm.ErrorRetriesTopLabel.Caption=Retries on errors:
TaskPropertiesForm.ErrorRetryNumberLabel.Caption=Number of retries on error
TaskPropertiesForm.ErrorRetryBeforeStopLabel.Caption=Number of errors before the Task is stopped
TaskPropertiesForm.ErrorRetryPauseLabel.Caption=Pause between retries
TaskPropertiesForm.MSScheduleTopLabel.Caption=Run the Task under the Microsoft Task Scheduler (tm)
TaskPropertiesForm.AdvancedLabel1.Caption=Advanced options can be set for all your Tasks using the Options -> Task's Defaults dialog. By using the options in the tree below you can override the default values to configure different advanced settings for the current Task.
TaskPropertiesForm.BandwidthTextLabel.Caption=Here you can set a limit to the maximum data transfer rate, which can be useful with the program running in the background, so that the copying does not hog the bandwidth (whether network or local bus) and interfere with other applications.
TaskPropertiesForm.BandwidthPerSecLabel.Caption=per second
TaskPropertiesForm.BandwidthTransLabel.Caption=Transfer no more than
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordReminderLabel.Caption=Reminder phrase (to be shown if you forget your password):
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordTextLabel.Caption=Enter a password to prevent other users from changing the Task. Once a password is set, you cannot edit the Task's properties without the password. Users can still run this Task without knowing the password.
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordUseDefaultRadioButton.Caption=Use the default/common password
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordTopLabel.Caption=Protect this Task's settings with a password
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordUseCustomRadioButton.Caption=Use your custom password for this Task:
TaskPropertiesForm.LogSizeTextLabel.Caption=The log file will be reset if it grows larger than the size you specify here. If you set this value to 0, GrandBackup will recycle the log file every time is starts.
TaskPropertiesForm.LogIncludeLabel.Caption=Records to be included in the Log:
TaskPropertiesForm.PerformanceTextLabel.Caption=Background Process Priority:
TaskPropertiesForm.TaskPerformanceNoteLabel.Caption=Note: Lower priority will make copying slower. Higher priority will make copying faster but you will notice some slowdown in other running applications.
TaskPropertiesForm.FilesFilterMenuAddPresetExcludeExecutables.Caption=Executable Files (EXE, CMD, BAT, COM)
PrefsForm.Caption=GrandBackup Preferences
PrefsForm.StartupTabSheet.Caption=&Startup and Shutdown
PrefsForm.StartupLabel1.Caption=If the GrandBackup icon is hidden, the program will run in the background, but you will not see the icon. If you want to see the main screen while it is running in the background, simply start GrandBackup again from the Start menu.
PrefsForm.StartupCheckBoxRunAtSystemStartup.Caption=Run at system &startup
PrefsForm.PerformanceIdlePauseLabel.Caption=Pause for
PrefsForm.PerformanceCpuLinkLabel.Caption=Click here to change the default Task CPU Performance, this will also influence the performance of GrandBackup.
PrefsForm.ExtCryptDescriptionRichEdit.Lines[0]=Data Encryption Standard (DES). 3DES uses three stages of DES so it is much more
PrefsForm.ExtCryptDescriptionRichEdit.Lines[1]=secure and suffices for most applications currently.
PrefsForm.TaskTabSheet.Caption=Task Defaults
PrefsForm.TaskRunLabel1.Caption=Run programs:
PrefsForm.TaskRunTopLabel.Caption=Run programs before or after Task (default setting)
PrefsForm.TaskRunWaitBeforeCheckBox.Caption=Wait for the program before proceeding
PrefsForm.TaskRunWaitAfterCheckBox.Caption=Wait for the program before proceeding
PrefsForm.TaskRunBeforeCheckBox.Caption=Before running the Task:
PrefsForm.TaskRunAfterCheckBox.Caption=After running the Task:
PrefsForm.TaskDialLabel2.Caption=Connect before running the Task:
PrefsForm.TaskDialTopLabel.Caption=Establish connection to remote computers (default setting)
PrefsForm.TaskDialDisconnectAfterCheckBox.Caption=Disconnect after running the Task
PrefsForm.TaskHardwareLabel1.Caption=Skip when the current Windows Hardware profile is:
PrefsForm.TaskHardwareTopLabel.Caption=Task skipping on selected hardware profiles (default setting)
PrefsForm.TaskBandwidthLabel1.Caption=Here you can set a limit to the maximum data transfer rate, which can be useful with the program running in the background, so that the copying does not hog the bandwidth (whether network or local bus) and interfere with other applications.
PrefsForm.TaskBandwidthLabel3.Caption=per second.
PrefsForm.TaskBandwidthLabel2.Caption=Transfer no more than
PrefsForm.TaskBandwidthTopLabel.Caption=Limit to the maximum data transfer rate (default setting)
PrefsForm.TaskBandwidthUseCheckBox.Caption=Limit maximum data transfer speed
PrefsForm.TaskPowerDontStartOnBatteriesCheckBox.Caption=Do not start the Task when the computer is running on batteries
PrefsForm.TaskPerformanceLabel1.Caption=Background Process Priority:
PrefsForm.TaskPerformanceLabel2.Caption=Note: Lower priority will make copying slower. Higher priority will make copying faster, but you will notice some slowdown in other running applications.
PrefsForm.TaskLogSizeTextLabel.Caption=The log file will be reset if it grows larger than the size you specify here. If you set this value to 0, GrandBackup will reset the log file every time is starts.
PrefsForm.TaskLogIncludeLabel.Caption=Records to be included in the log:
PrefsForm.TaskPasswordLabel6.Caption=Reminder phrase (to be shown if you forget your password):
PrefsForm.TaskPasswordLabel1.Caption=Enter a password to prevent other users from changing the Task. Once a password is set, you cannot edit the Task's properties without the password. Users can still run this Task without knowing the password.
PrefsForm.TaskPasswordTopLabel.Caption=Protect Task's settings with a password (default setting)
FilterForm.DateTimeComboBox.Items[1]=Files Created
FilterForm.DateTimeComboBox.Items[2]=Files Last Accessed
FilterForm.DateTimeMonthsRadioButton.Caption=in the last
FilterForm.DateTimeDaysRadioButton.Caption=in the last
FilterForm.DateTimeDateBetweenRadioButton.Caption=date between
FilterForm.DateTimeHoursRadioButton.Caption=in the last
FilterForm.DateTimeMinutesRadioButton.Caption=in the last
FilterForm.MainComboBoxKind.Items[2]=Date & Time
EvaluationForm.LabelText.Caption=Your 15-day evaluation period has expired. Continued use of this evaluation version is in violation of the licensing agreement entered into during installation.
GroupsOrderForm.Caption=Change order of groups in list
GroupsOrderForm.GroupBox.Caption=Group list:
ShutdownForm.Caption=GrandBackup Shutdown
ShutdownForm.Label1.Caption=If you exit GrandBackup it will not run any scheduled backups, except backups scheduled using Microsoft Task Scheduler (if it's running).
ShutdownForm.Label2.Caption=Are you sure you want to exit?
ShutdownForm.DontShowAgainCheckBox.Caption=Don''t show this message again
PasswordForm.Caption=Enter password to continue
PasswordForm.Label1.Caption=You need a password to make any modifications.
ShortcutForm.Caption=Create Shortcut
ShortcutForm.Label1.Caption=Shortcut name:
ShortcutForm.Label2.Caption=Select a folder for the shortcut:
ShortcutForm.TopLabel.Caption=Create a shortcut for the Task
ShortcutForm.RadioButtonStartMenu.Caption=Start menu
ShortcutForm.RadioButtonAutoRun.Caption=Autorun menu
ShortcutForm.RadioButtonPrograms.Caption=Programs menu
SettingsInitWizardForm.Welcome1Label.Caption=Welcome to GrandBackup - the award-winning full-featured data backup and synchronization software. Hope you will enjoy this tool and never miss your critical data ever!
SettingsInitWizardForm.Welcome2Label.Caption=This wizard will help you initialize the software and configure some preferences:
SettingsInitWizardForm.Label13.Caption=Click Next to continue...
SettingsInitWizardForm.Welcome21Label.Caption=1. Choose how the program starts;
SettingsInitWizardForm.Welcome22Label.Caption=2. Set the default performance settings: bandwidth throttle, backup thread priority, etc.;
SettingsInitWizardForm.Welcome23Label.Caption=3. Provide email details for sending Backup alerts (Startup, Error, Summary, etc.);
SettingsInitWizardForm.Welcome24Label.Caption=4. Set the default events alert style: audio notification, balloon, email, etc.;
SettingsInitWizardForm.Welcome25Label.Caption=5. Import Tasks from previous GrandBackup versions and other backup software;
SettingsInitWizardForm.Welcome26Label.Caption=6. Create your first Backup Task with the New Task Wizard.
SettingsInitWizardForm.WelcomeNoteLabel.Caption=Note: You can change any of these options later using the appropriate dialog boxes. Press F1 for more information.
SettingsInitWizardForm.WelcomeMaintenatceLabel.Caption=Click here if you have already worked with GrandBackup 3.x and want to import your settings from a saved copy instead of using this wizard.
SettingsInitWizardForm.LaunchTopLabel.Caption=Choose how the program starts
SettingsInitWizardForm.LaunchSelLabel.Caption=Do you want to run GrandBackup automatically?
SettingsInitWizardForm.LaunchYesNoteLabel.Caption=The program will be configured to run in the background; double-click the tray icon to open the main program window. If you press Close (or click File->Exit), the main window will disappear but GrandBackup will continue working.
SettingsInitWizardForm.LaunchNoNoteLabel.Caption=The program will work as a normal application; double-click the program icon to launch GrandBackup and open the main program window. If you press Close (or click File->Exit), GrandBackup will exit.
SettingsInitWizardForm.LaunchYesRadioButton.Caption=Yes, run GrandBackup at system startup
SettingsInitWizardForm.LaunchNoRadioButton.Caption=No, I'll run GrandBackup manually when I want to do a backup
SettingsInitWizardForm.TaskPerformanceThreadPriorityNoteLabel.Caption=Note: Lower priority will make copying slower. Higher priority will make copying faster, but you will notice some slowdown in other applications you are working with.
SettingsInitWizardForm.PerformanceOneThreadLabel.Caption=By checking this option you disallow simultaneous running of several Tasks. Simultaneous Task operations increase system load and may reduce productivity in other applications.
SettingsInitWizardForm.PerformanceBandwidthNoteLabel.Caption=You can set a limit to the maximum data transfer rate, which can be useful with the program running in the background, so that the copying does not hog the bandwidth (whether network or local bus) and interfere with other applications.
SettingsInitWizardForm.AlertsStyleTopLabel.Caption=Set the default event alerting style
SettingsInitWizardForm.AlertsStyleNoteLabel.Caption=Event alerting is a way of notifying of the program's basic events, such as: Task Started, Task Finished, Critical Error, etc. You can use one or all of the following alert types in GrandBackup: visual, audio, interactive dialog boxes and email notifications.
SettingsInitWizardForm.AlertsStyleEmailNoteLabel.Caption=Check this option if you want to use email notifications, e.g. if you are a network administrator and want to be sure that data backups proceed without errors.
SettingsInitWizardForm.AlertsStyleBalloonCheckBox.Caption=Show balloon messages in system tray
SettingsInitWizardForm.FinishCongratsLabel.Caption=Congratulations! You have finished the most basic GrandBackup initialization procedure and now you can move on to creating your first Backup Task or importing Tasks from other data backup software.
SettingsInitWizardForm.FinishSelectLabel.Caption=Please select what you want to do next:
SettingsInitWizardForm.FinishImportCheckBox.Caption=Import Tasks from previous GrandBackup versions and other backup software
SettingsInitWizardForm.FinishCreateCheckBox.Caption=Create a new Backup Task
TaskImportWizardForm.SelectUpLabel.Caption=Programs list to import tasks from:
TaskImportWizardForm.SelectTopLabel.Caption=Please select a program to import Tasks from
TaskImportWizardForm.Label13.Caption=Click Next to continue...
TaskImportWizardForm.SelectBotLabel.Caption=All registered and unregistered trademarks in this program list are the sole property of their respective owners.
strBackupDestinationUnderSource=Destination folder can't be placed under Source folder path!
strBackupHardwareSkip=Skipping scheduled Task run because current hardware profile is "%s"!
strBackupSourceNoFiles=Source files list is empty (check "Task Properties -> File Filters" settings). Nothing to do!
strBackupMuliSrcSameDstFiles=Detected two or more Source files (one is: %s) with the same Destination locations (%s)! To prevent files overwriting Backup must be stopped!
strBackupMuliSrcSameDstFolders=Detected two or more Source folders with the same Destination location! Files from different source folders will be mixed in destination!
strBackupCreatingFolder=Creating folder "%s".
strBackupCreatingFolderError=Unable to create folder "%s"! (Description: %s; System error code: %d).
strTaskTypesNextRunInternalSystemStartup=at system startup
strTaskTypesNextRunInternalProgramStartup=at program startup
strTaskTypesNextRunInternalSystemShutdown=at system shutdown
strTaskTypesTasksSaveBackupError=Unable to create tasks file backup (%s).
strTaskTypesTasksCorruptedError=GrandBackup tasks file "%s" corrupted or it's not GrandBackup file format.
strTaskTypesTasksNoFoundError=GrandBackup tasks file "%s" not found.
strMainTaskCantDeleteRunning=You can't delete running Task. Please wait while Task done working and then try again.
strMainTaskDeleteConfirmation=Do you really want to delete this task (%s) from the list?
strMainGroupCreateErrorAlreadyExists=Cannot create "%s": A group with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different group name.
strMainGroupRenameErrorAlreadyExists=Cannot rename "%s": A group with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different group name.
strMainGroupDeleteConfirmation=Do you really want to delete group "%s"?
strMainGroupBackupAbortConfirmation=This may cause some or all of the Source files not be copied to Destination. Do you really want to abort work of the whole "%s" Tasks Group?
strMainTaskBackupAbortConfirmation=This may cause some or all of the Source files not be copied to Destination. Do you really want to abort "%s" Task work?
strMainStatusTotalTasks=%d Task(s)
strMainStatusRunningTasks=%d Task(s) Running
strMainStatusTaskProgress=task progress
strAboutUnregdNote=This is an evaluation copy of "GrandBackup". You may legally use it for 15 days before purchasing the licensed version.
strAboutRegdNote=Warning: This program is protected by copyright law and international agreements.
strAboutYouHaveNumDays=You have %d days left in your evaluation period.
strAboutRegisteredTo=Licensed to: %s.
strAboutExpired=Your 15 days evaluation period has expired.
strTaskPropNoSource=No Source folders configured for the Task - nothing will be copied. Do you want to correct this setting?
strTaskPropNoDestination=No Destination folder configured for the Task. Do you want to correct this setting?
strTaskPropNoEnablingFilters=No enabling File Filters configured for the Task - nothing will be copied. Please add at least one filter of the type 'Include files matching the wildcard "*.*"'. Do you want to correct the File Filter settings?
strTaskPropErrorHandlingErrorMsg=ERROR! %s.
strTaskPropErrorHandlingNoErrorMsg=No error
strTaskPropChangeImpossibleMustBeOneSource=Synchronization is possible only with single source folder. Please remove unnecessary folders from the list.
strTaskPropChangeImpossibleMustBeLocalOrLan=Synchronization is possible only with local or LAN destination folder.
strTaskPropChangeCantCollapse=You can't collapse multiple folders list, because there are more than one folder in it. Remove unneened folders from the list to continue.
strTaskPropHotKeyValid=Hot key valid!
strTaskPropHotKeyInvalid=Hot key invalid or already used by another action!